Some presentations
- Some slides (in french) presented to the Summer School in Saint Etienne:
- One presentation of the Winter School in Dagsthul:
- One presentation on Graph based representations and hierarchichal segmentation (in french presented to ORASIS 2007)
- One presentation on Combinatorial Pyramids and hierarchichal Watersheds in french (presented to the "Journées du GdR IM" the 2007-11-08
- A small lecture on Graph Kernels(presented to the GbR 2011 the 2011-05-20)
- A more important lecture on Graph Kernels applied to chemoinformatics (presented in Groningen)
- Invited talk to GbR(Graph Based Representation) 2017, May 2017, Capri.
- A talk on Graph classification provided as IAPR Distinguished speaker at CAIP 2019