@PhDThesis{	  Tremeau98,
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau}, year = 1998, school = {Universit{'e} Jean Monnet}, addresse = {Saint-Etienne, France}, title = {Analyse d'images couleurs : du pixel {`a} la sc{`e}ne}, note = {Habilitation {`a} Diriger des Recherches}, theme = {analyse,segmentation,quantification,qualite,comparaison,attributs,graphe,texture}
author ={A. Tr{'e}meau and B. Laget}, title ={Color dithering based on error diffusion and subjective measures of image quality}, booktitle ={Proc. of IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing}, year ={1998}, month ={Feb.}, address ={Las Palmas}, pages ={359-362}, theme ={compression,quantification,dithering,vision,qualite}
@InProceedings{	  Tremeau98,
author = {A. Trémeau and P. Colantoni and V. Lozano}, title = {Quality of color image filtering processes}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th Color Imaging Conference}, year = {1998}, organization = {IS&T/SID}, month = nov, pages = {135--139}, address = {Scottdale}, theme = {filtrage,vision,qualite,comparaison}
author = {A. Tr{'e}meau}, month = {mai}, year = 1998, title = {Analyse d'images couleur~: du pixel {`a} la sc{`e}ne}, school = {Universit{'e} Jean Monnet de Saint Etienne}, type = {Habilitation {`a} Diriger des Recherches}, theme = {segmentation+classification}